

January Cara Box Reveal

So, this was my first time participating in the Cara Box Exchange organized by Kaitlyn @ Wifessionals! I had the opportunity to be paired up with two awesome women, Kayla @ A Momma's 15 Minute Time Out and Gayle @ Grace for Gayle!

{One} I had a blast getting to know Kayla and shopping for her! I absolutely love giving gifts. I think I enjoy giving more than receiving!
Want to see what I got her, head on over to Kayla's blog to find out!

{Two} I was looking forward to receiving a box from Gayle! And this weird thing happened...through our emails and blog stalking, we found out that we live in the same city. Crazy, right? So instead of mailing my Cara Box to me, Gayle and I met up for coffee at our local Starbucks! Super cool, right? Who can say that they met their Cara Box Match in person? I can!!!

This month's Cara Box theme was resolutions! If you read my resolutions post, you know that my two focuses for 2013 are spiritual and physical fitness! Gayle did an excellent job buying items that will be great for helping me achieve my 2013 goals!

I had been considering buying weight lifting gloves since I crossed the great divide and moved into weight lifting and not just cardio at the gym. I was so excited when I opened my box and found weight lifting gloves, a water bottle, a tennis ball for rolling out those pesky knots, Gatorade fuel, a scripture-filled journal, and heart-shaped sticky notes! Gayle also wrote a sweet note of encouragement that had me smiling from ear to ear!
Gayle, thanks for not making me feel like a stalker! So glad you wanted to meet in person. I truly enjoyed our two-hour coffee date! Someone sitting near would have thought we'd known each other forever. I am encouraged by your life and the struggles you've overcome. I appreciate you letting me into your life and I am inspired by your love for Jesus! I look forward to keeping in touch!

Kayla, thanks so much for being so open and honest with me. It is so obvious that you strive to live for God in all you do! I am thankful to know you and really enjoyed getting to know you this month and praying for you. Thanks for educating me on the Siesta Scripture Memorization Team, raw eating, and juicing!

Thanks again, Kayla and Gayle for making my first Cara Box Exchange unforgettable! Happy to have two new friends in the blogosphere (and in real life)! I had a great Cara Box experience and will probably participate again in the future. If you want to know more about the Cara Box Exchange and/or want to sign up, head over to Wifessionals!

Want to see more Cara Box Reveals for the month of January? Check out the link-up!


  1. Yay! Looks like Gayle really hooked you up! That's awesome! P.S. You look gorgeous in these pics! xo Angela

    1. Gayle did an awesome job! So happy with my Cara Box! Thanks, chick, for the compliment! Gayle did a great job of capturing pics as I opened the box!

  2. that's so cool that you guys got to meet in person!

    1. I know, right?! Such a neat experience. Never would have imagined that I'd be paired with someone in the same city! Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Jen!

  3. I'm loving checking out what everyone got in their Cara Box! What a small world that you live in the same city, and how awesome that you got to meet in person!!! I think this is my favorite Cara Box post! :)

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Lindsay! I can't believe that we both live in the DFW, but them the same city...craziness! It was truly a neat experience!

  4. I just now read this post! I'm a little behind. Love what you wrote! I am so glad you liked your box!! And I am so so so super-glad we met!

    We need to get together STAT and hang out again!!!

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle

  5. THIS is amazing!!!! It tempts me to do a month where I match you within your state!!!
