

#TBT and Eggrolls

So, Throwback Thursday and Eggrolls may not really go together, but since I did pair them, I figured I'd focus on some throwback pictures that involved food!

August 2008: Me and the hubby weren't even dating yet, but wouldn't this picture make you want to marry him?!

August 2009: Street tacos in Puerto Vallarta with my girls, Daenna and Cynthia!
And our stop at a tequila factory...with my girl, Jill! (I guess tequila doesn't count as food, but I like this picture.) Do you see those huge agave roots in the background? That's where tequila comes from!
April 2010: Crawfish with my line sisters when we went back to our alma mater for the University of Lousiana at Monroe vs. Grambling football game! Love these girls and we love us some crawfish! I know it's a Louisiana thing!
And speaking of my line sisters, shout out to all my sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated as we prepare for an awesome Centennial celebration! Oo-oop! If you've been following me on instagram, you may have noticed the #DST100Challenge photos!
Okay, on to the eggrolls... I pinned a recipe for Bacon Cheeseburger Eggrolls. The recipe intrigued me and I had all the ingredients except for Eggroll wrappers. My local Kroger has an entire aisle dedicated to international cuisine, so I was sure I'd find it there.
But, nope...they were no where to be found. So, I asked the chef at the sushi counter and she directed me to produce. So, I learned that eggroll wrappers have to be refrigerated and if you want to try this recipe, check the produce section first!

Here is a link to the recipe and some of my tips and changes are as follows:
  • To make it a bit healthier, I used ground turkey, turkey bacon, and fat free cheese.
  • I'm sure the fried ones were better, but again for health, I baked mine instead. That made it more like a spring roll than an eggroll.
  • If baking, make sure to coat the pan with non-stick cooking spray. I had to scrape mine from the pan.
The hubby enjoyed the eggrolls and so did I. Now that I know making these is so easy and where to find the eggroll wrappers, I hope to experiment and make different variations of eggrolls/spring rolls more often!

Linking up:


  1. love this idea of throw back thursday! very cute. I'm stopping by from the grow your blog blog hop. Those egg rolls look yum! I'm dying for one. Sadly the eggroll at the 7/11 gas station tempted me....

    Trish @ Tales from ...

    1. LOL! I always have to avoid going inside the convenience store if I'm hungry! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Those egg rolls look so good - so so good. Awww I met my hubby and we were friends before we started dating too. Fun. Happy Throwback Thursday girl.

    1. Your post inspired me to at Throwback Thursday to my Eggrolls! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for following my blog. I want to try this recipe.

    1. I was amazed at how easy it was to make eggrolls/spring rolls! I imagine the filling can be anything you want! Hope you enjoy! And thanks for commenting and following! :)

  4. That first picture cracks me up! And egg rolls are the bomb - so easy to make too :) Also I had no idea agave made tequila - learn something new every day.

    Stopping by late from 3Jan GYB Blog Hop

    1. I was worried my hubby wouldn't like the pic, but he laughed about it! Good thing I captioned it with sweet words! Thanks for stopping by!
