

Fitness Friday | Week 6 - Hot Sweaty Mess!

This week, I concentrated on cardio. I've referred to it before, but I love the Secret Admirer Cardio routine from I regularly burn around 700 calories in 45 minutes. I've done this workout four days this week and it doesn't get old. I can push myself harder by upping my speed or intensity. It's great! But with that comes me as a hot, sweaty mess...I guess that's not so bad...I go home dry spots. Feels good!

My weight loss in just a month has amazed me. I cannot believe that I've gone down every week. This week is no different. This week's weight is...
I'm down another 2.6 pounds this week and a total of...

MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

MyFitnessPal has been a great help when it comes to my eating. I'm a little worried about next week though. I will no longer be fasting with my church, my birthday is this weekend, and I will be traveling at the end of the week. That's quite a few challenges to overcome this next week, but I know I can do it! I'll be all over Pinterest to find some new ideas for my weekly food prep.

Now, back to first DietBet ended this week.
Woot! Woot! I'm looking forward to seeing how much money I win off my $10 investment! My start weight was 177.6 pounds. My goal was to lose 4% of that weight or 7 pounds. My final weigh-in was 165.4 pounds, so I exceeded the DietBet goal by 5 pounds. There were a total of 193 people in this game for a total pot of $1,930. Everyone who meets their 4% goal gets to split the pot!

I think this added accountability was so good for me. I enjoyed the motivation! My second DietBet ends in another 4 days. I may need to start looking for another game to join because I'm sure the weight won't come off the same next month...or maybe it will...who knows?!

Linking up:


  1. Congrats girl!! You are seriously rocking your weight loss goals. And that workout looks killer, I'll have to go back and try that one of these days. :)

    1. Thanks, Katie! That Secret Admirer Cardio routine is great! I don't get bored, it works up a great sweat, and I burn lots of calories! win, Win, WIN!!!

  2. Congrats! YOU LOOK GREAT! I didn't make my goal. Missed it by 1.5 lbs. I think I will still find another game though. 13lbs is killer! WHOOT!

    1. Thanks, girl! I'm going to look for another DietBet to join! It was a great motivator!

  3. Congrats on the weight loss & the win! It feels so good to be a hot sweaty mess:)

    1. You're right! It does feel good! As much as I hate it, I love it! Thanks so much for commenting!

  4. WOOHOO!! Being a sweaty hot mess is the best feeling ever! It means you worked hard and had a GREAT week!! A little splurge on your birthday won't hurt, especially not if you keep up all these great workouts!! Thanks so much for linking up! If you act quickly I just joined a DietBet I linked to in my post today. It starts Sunday. YIKES!!!

  5. SORRY! I was logged in with my other google account above :-)

    1. You'll love the DietBet, Jen! It's a great motivator and one can never have too much accountability! Thanks so much for commenting!

  6. Hi Kim! I'm a new follower :) I think you are so brave for posting your journey! And what great accountability! I think I may join you! Myfitnesspal was GREAT when I kept up with it...maybe I should try again ;)

    1. Thanks so much for following, Paige! My FitnessPal has been a great form of accountability for me! If you join, be sure to friend me (kdhoward2)!
