

It's a Birthday Flash Mob!!!

My day started with work...I know you're thinking, "Did they know it was your birthday?" Ha! I'm the one who scheduled the Saturday School. Now you're like "What were you thinking?" Long story...but, my time at work was good. We had 149 middle schoolers show up for math (and pizza) on a Saturday! My morning was made better when I got an awesome facebook birthday shout out from my line sister, Frashia! She gets an award for the best facebook birthday shout out EVER!!! Those of you who know what all this means will definitely agree!
After work, my birthday really began! My hubby really outdid himself! We started with a very educational wine tasting at the Wine Cellar at Starwood!
Although I don't know much about wine, I really want to. I want to be a wine drinker. (That sounds kind of silly!) Anyway, we tasted an amazing Italian Moscato D'Asti, which I had to snag a bottle. It is definitely better than any Moscato I've ever bought. We tried various red wines, from a Pinot Noir to a Merlot to Red Blend and a Cabernet. I can't say I was wild about any of them, but I am more open to trying more red wines since I now know a little more about what may appeal to my palette.
We then hopped into the car and headed to our next undisclosed location, Watters Creek. There's lots of places to shop and eat there, so I figured we were going to do one of those two activites...until I started spotting various friends and family from my church. Then, the music started blaring, and I whipped out my phone to record...
Please excuse all my giggling, but I was so tickled that all these friends had gotten together over the past few weeks to practice and learn this dance. I was tickled by some of the amazing dance moves put together by AshLeigh, some of the friends who I never would have pictured dancing like Angie & Donna, and the intensity and focus of some of the dancers like my hubby, Tony, and David! It was amazing seeing people come out of the apartments and watch from their balconies and coming out of the stores and restaurants. I even saw one of my students from last year who had to come and say something after he witnessed the flash mob! I guess my hubby took notes from my previous blog post about me wanting to be in a flash mob...which I still want! Who's ready for the next one so I can actually be in it?!
We finished up with dinner at Kelly's at the Village. Many of us weren't happy with our food, but we had great fellowship and that's really what matters. What really floored me here was that I had some of my closest friends there, but also almost had my entire life group represented! Love that I have a life group that decided to make my birthday our social as opposed to me missing life group for my birthday! You guys are awesome! I forgot to snap pictures, but I did get one shot of the awesome cake. 
Those big 'ole candles reminded me that I'm no longer JUST 30, but IN my 30s....and I'm okay with that!
Thanks so much to my hubby for an awesome birthday experience and to all the friends who took the time to make it unforgettable! My life is so rich because of the amazing people in my life. I am truly thankful to call you my friends!
Linking up:


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day! What a wonderful hubby arranging a flash mob for you! That is so adorable!!

    Aanika Xx

    1. Thanks for the birthday wish, Aanika! It was definitely a great day!

  2. Sounds like you had one amazing birthday. I'm right behind you. I turn 31 next month. Crazy to think about :) Happy birthday girl!!! I think the flash mob was amazing and so clever. What a cool surprise

    1. The flash mob was definitely a great surprise! I couldn't believe that he got so many friends to learn a routine and actually perform it in public! I definitely have a great hubby and great friends! Can't wait to see how you spend your birthday!

  3. Oh, my, gosh! How loved do you feel! That's so amazing! What a sweet and thoughtful husband you have. He sounds like a keeper. :) Happy Birthday!

    1. He's definitely a keeper! Thanks for taking the time to comment and for the Birthday wish! :)

  4. What a beautiful cake! Happy Birthday!

  5. That cake looks amazing, yum! I found your blog through the Michael Kors watch giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you! Happy almost Friday!

    Sparkles and Shoes

    1. Thanks so much for following, Kelly! Glad you found me!

  6. Your birthday ROCKED!!!! Glad you enjoyed yourself :)
