

I'm in Love with VersaTiles!

At my campus, I am responsible for math intervention provided for students. We have done numerous Saturday Schools and Pull-Out Tutorials. We're in the home stretch of testing and the last pull-out camp had me searching for a different way to do 30 minutes of fraction operations practice.
After digging around the supply room for a while a few weeks ago, I ran across Versa Tiles. I pitched them to a couple of teachers on campus and they used them with great success, but I still had not used them.
So, what a perfect time to test them out?! We have tons of student activity books on campus, but none of them had exactly what I wanted...which was choosing the appropriate operation and solving problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. Lucky for me, ETA Hand2Mind offers a free Activity Template & Pattern Codes Document. With this, I was able to create my own problems and choose a pattern  of my choice for the answer boxes.

Okay, I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself...if you've never heard of VersaTiles, check out this video for a little explanation of how they work. (If you want to get to straight to how it works, fast forward to 2:00).
Okay, so now that you know how they work, here's the activity pages I put together for my pull-out lesson.
And the lesson was a hit! Students were engaged for the full 30 minute session. I did the session with 10 different sets of kids throughout the day, and I didn't get bored with it. I enjoyed seeing each set of students engaged with the VersaTiles activity.
It's crazy that I haven't used VersaTiles before now. I think I have seen them at each campus I've worked, but didn't know what they were. Now, I'm thinking of investing in my own set to have so that I can take them with me wherever I teach!
PSA: If anyone from ETA is reading this post, feel free to bestow some answer cases upon me so that I have my own set to take with me wherever I go!!! :)

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