

Currently July

I'm link up with with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the monthly Currently post!

A few explanations:

Loving - I just recently started meal planning using It's awesome! I love the recipes that are provided and the app makes my weekly grocery shopping trip so easy. You can read more about my experience withe eMeals here.

Thinking - I've been non-stop thinking about next school year and working on little projects, which I plan to share on the blog soon. But, I seriously need to stop and enjoy the summer a bit!

Wanting - I'm joining in on a book study with Sherrie @ Middle School Math Rules and my book is finally order and on its way! We're studying Minds on Mathematics by Wendy Ward Hoffer. I'm excited because this book is about using math workshop at the middle school level.

I'm also excited about my new personal blender that I ordered. I already have a Magic Bullet, but I'm thinking this Oster My Blend will work well since most of the time I make Smoothies, I'm on the go! I love how the blender cup has a lid. I bought an extra cup too!

Ooohhhh! And I just remembered that I hav ea couple of VistaPrint orders on the way too! Can't wait to share...

Okay, I think all the others are self-explanatory! Head on over to the link-up to see more Currently July posts...


  1. I am going to have to check out e-meals. It sounds like it could be really helpful!
    I just went through and added a bunch of books to my amazon wishlist. I am hoping
    to purchase next week.
    Fun in ECSE

    1. You definitely should check out eMeals! I've only been doing it one week, and I love it! Thanks so much for stopping by, Kate!

  2. That blender looks so cool. You'll have to let me know how it is. I hope you do more blog posts. You have great ideas to share! Can't wait until your book comes in so I can read your thoughts on Minds on Math.

    1. Hey, Sherrie! I'll definitely let you know about the blender. I am looking forward to the book study too. I hope to blog more regularly. You'll have to help keep me accountable! ;)

  3. I have heard of emeals, but assumed (like most other things) that it was a money gimmick. I'll have to look further into it. How does it help you to get the most with your money? By the way, I am a follower on Bloglovin!

    A Tender Teacher for Special Needs

    1. Thanks so much for following, Tasha! The subscription cost is really inexpensive. The app allows you to skip meals you don't want, and customizes your shopping list. When you set you subscription, you choose a grocery store where you shop, and the menu/shopping list will take advantage of sales at that store. Some of the meals for the week share ingredients also, so that you do have a bunch of leftover food that you don't need. I am loving it.

  4. Thanks for following, Laura! It's so crazy because usually in the summer, I am a gym rat, but I've been so busy that I just haven't made the effort. Maybe July will be a gym month for me! Enjoy your summer!

  5. Hi, Emily! I hope that blender is good. I'm scared that it won't be powerful enough, but I'm sure hoping it is. I'll let you know! Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  6. Hey, Jeanette! Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I know. All I can do some days is think of things for my classroom. It's so hard to turn off my teacher-mode! Hopefully I'll figure that out in the next week or so!
