

Healthy Living + Financial Freedom {Advocare}

My hubby absolutely loves photography, which he does on the side, but has been miserable at his full-time job. He has gone to work each day only because of his God-given burden to provide for our family. With the hubby's current job situation, last week's text from our friend Brandy fell on him at a time when he was looking for a way out. Will & Brandy have been pursuing us with Advocare products and the business opportunity for over a year. Check out Will's story below:
So, we went to a business opportunity meeting and needless to say, we caught the vision and you're looking at two new Advocare distributors. We're excited about how this could be the spark (pun intended) we need to get healthy. We automatically get 20% of all the products we order and have the opportunity to make money when we share the awesome products and business opportunity with others.
Once Willie (my hubby) started looking at Advocare from a business standpoint, I had to get interested.  I want to be supportive of him. I don't want him going to work everyday and dreading it. So, we started the 24 Day Challenge yesterday. I am am not excited about showing you my 'before' (right now) pictures because I'm ashamed of how much weight I've gained. I do plan to post them though, when I have some 'after' pics to hopefully make the 'before' not look so bad. If you want to know more about the challenge, check out the video here.
We're now seeing being healthy and fit as a job. It's our job to get healthy and be a walking advertisement for our new business.

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