

Elf on the Shelf

Am I the only one whose Facebook and Pinterest timelines have been inundated with "Elf on the Shelf" pictures? Certainly not! I wasn't curious until someone at work shared the story of the elf at lunch.

I may not have the story completely right, but the gist of it is that elf has magic powers and the kids can't touch the elf or it will lose its power. The elf was sent by Santa to monitor the kid's behavior and flys back to the North Pole each night to report to Santa. Each day the elf returns, but since elves like to play games, he may hide and appear in a new location. On Christmas Eve, the elf retires back to the North Pole and waits to rejoin the family for the next Christmas Season. You can read the full "Elf on the Shelf" story here.

Anyway, my co-worker has shared stories of her kids' excitement over the elf and how much fun it has become. Some of my favorites that I've seen on Pinterest and Facebook are here:

There's only one problem...I don't have any kids to begin this Christmas tradition. I've convinced a few friends to start it with their kids. For now, I live vicariously through them. But, what if they don't sell these elves anymore once it's my turn? You know that got me thinking about going ahead and buying one even though I have no kids. Well, after looking at several Target stores for my friends, and seeing them sold out at each one, I decided the tradition was not for me. But, then came Barnes & Noble who had several throughout the store. I went through an inner struggle of should I buy one or not? Well, what made the decision for me was when I saw this:

Did you catch that? Not only can you buy a boy or girl elf, but you also have the choice of a "light" or "dark" elf! Shut the front door! You mean I can get my future kid an elf that has his (or her) skin tone?! I was sold! (Oh, and not to mention that I got 20% off with my educator's discount! Woot! Woot!) Now, I just had to decide on a "dark boy" or a "dark girl" elf.
It's a boy! I figured boys are more adamant about not playing with dolls and girls can be happy either way. Plus, most depictions of elves are boys anyway. So my future kid, whether boy or girl, will have a "dark boy" elf checking whether he (or she) is naughty or nice!

Okay, I know I'm crazy, but I now have an elf that will sit at the top of the closet until I have kids old enough to enjoy the tradition! I couldn't resist!

Linking up...go check it out!
Look what I Got


  1. omg, i love this little guy. I cant wait to be able to play this game with lil ones!

  2. haha so cute! I never knew the story behind this. You have me wanting to go out and buy an elf now!

    1. You should! Then I won't be the only crazy one! :)

  3. Thanks for telling us the story because I had no idea what was going on with it! And thanks for joining the link up!

    The Tiny Heart

    1. I'm so glad I was sitting at the lunch table that one day and able to hear the story. Now, all the elf pics I see are fun instead of annoying! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. Thanx for the info. I too have seen this Elf on the Shelf phenom ...and had NO clue what it meant! We have 2 girls 9 and 1. We never taught our 9yr old to believe in Santa..coming from a very religious background (my dad is a pastor) growing up I was taught it was wrong. However, after having our second I feel like we have missed out on a fun tradition. So after careful consideration we have decided to introduce the tradition to our youngest and our oldest is SUPER excited to help! So after reading your blog...I think I will make a little trip to Barnes and Noble and pick up our very own Elf on the Shelf...and I am super excited about Genesis getting older where we can begin the tradition! Can u tell me how much your little guy cost?

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Your background sounds a lot like my husband's. I just convinced him last week that it was okay to have Santa in our home as long as we taught the biblical/real meaning for Christmas. He was brought up not believing in Santa Claus and I know how our experiences shape the way we raise our won kids. Hopefully, he'll go for the elf!

      The box set with the book and elf was $30' but around $24 with the educator's discount.

      Looking forward to following your blog and reading about your elf adventures!

  5. Hi, Esther! I wouldn't call myself a photographer just yet, but I am aspiring to be. My hubby is the photographer and he's helping me to learn. I know you've got to be so anxious to open that new camera! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Thanks for following, Bev! I'll be sure to stop by!

  7. I don't have any kids and I freakin' LOVE Elf on Shelf. I want to get one for myself...haha. Love your blog design. Kayla did mine too! Thanks for linking up!
    Penniless Socialite

  8. I just stumbled across your blog and have been playing catch up.. but this post made me want to stop and comment because you have no idea how long I have been wanting to get an Elf on the Shelf but of course no kiddies yet so I felt like a lame for wanting to start this tradition so early. But now that they have one for our skin tone! BONUS! I may just have to look for it for the after Christmas sales..

    also saying hey as your Soror.

    1. Hi, Soror! Waiting to look for one after the holidays is such a good idea! I love a good after-Christmas sale! Thanks so much for stopping by!
