

I Love CHRISTmas!

I love the holidays...I love giving gifts...I love reflecting on the gift God has given me in Jesus Christ...and I love spending time with family!
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.  ~ Luke 2:11
I have not been in the mood for Christmas carols this year for some reason...but I absolutely love this song this season!

Christmas was just time spent with family for us. My mom was set on getting some family photos. Unfortunately, the weather was lots and lots of rain in Shreveport, so we didn't get to go outside as planned. Here was our attempt at indoor picture and using the timer on the camera.

After the eating and gift giving was done, my hubby had to head back to Dallas in order to work today. My brother and his family had one more stop, so I hung out with them for the rest of the evening.

I love these times together...makes me want to move back home...but I'm sure Willie wouldn't be hearing that discussion!



  1. LOVE the family pics! You guys look great! And can never move away...what would I do with my life?! Merry Christmas!

  2. Lovely family! Merry CHRISTmas to you all and thank you for the follow.
    I look forward to keeping up with your blog and Angela's.

    Blessings in 2013!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Shon! I look forward to keeping up with you as well!

  3. I LOVE the family pics. Makes me wish I would have taken more of my family.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Vonna! I'm sure you guys are taking pics all the time as you watch Baby Z.K. grow!

  4. I was all up and in your area around the holidays. LOL! Right after we left Dallas, there was snow. I hate that my kids had to miss their first "white" Christmas that they would have been able to remember. Next year, I guess.

    These pictures are so beautiful. You have a beautiful family and I'm glad you enjoyed your holidays!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Carla! I was in Louisiana, so we got the rain, but not the snow. When my hubby had to drive back to Dallas, he said he felt like he was driving through a mini-blizzard :) So glad he made it home safe... I'm sure your kiddos will get another chance at a "white" Christmas! And thanks again!
