

Independence Bowl

I have to say that I definitely did not check the weather before planning my trip home to Shreveport and was not prepared for the weather. The outfit I threw together is below, inspired by Audrey of Putting Me Together and her love for the lace tee. I wish I had my skinny leopard belt to add to this outfit!
Cardigan: Target (here | last worn here)
Lace Shirt: Banana Republic Outlet (last worn here | similar here)
Skinnies: New York & Co. (old)
Marc Fisher Boots: Macy's (here)
Necklace: Sam Moon

Side Note: I looked for a similar necklace to include in the post and I just found out that Sam Moon has a website and you can order online! I think that may have just changed my life! Woot! Woot!

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled was cold today! So cold that we had to bundle up. So, although you got to see my outfit, no one at the game did. My line sister, Felicia and I got to enjoy some college spirit and cold weather. It started misting in the third quarter and our team was losing miserably, so we left early. But, here are a few pics from while we were there!
Our team didn't play near as well as they have all season, but we had a good time. I especially enjoyed Ohio University's half time show. They played Gangnam Style by Psy. If you haven't heard of the South Korean Youtube mega sensation Psy, click here. If you have, enjoy this clip of Ohio University's rendition!

Wasn't that an awesome performance?!
By the way, I don't think I mentioned that I finished 2nd place  in my fantasy football league! Pow!
I can't believe it's only Friday!Enjoy your weekend!    

Linking up with Two Thirty-Five Designs.


  1. You look gorgeous. Btw, it's my first time to visit your blog. Happy Holidays!

  2. Thanks so much, Eleyn! You have a beautiful name! Looking forward to visiting your blog!
