
He Gives and Takes Away

Today, I'm thinking of the Sandy Hook Tragedy. I received the news of the tragedy after I had just finished teaching my own class of 8th graders and I was immediately shaken and driven to my knees. I can't imagine this situation for my own students or for the kindergartener in my life.

My nephew, Ashton

Today, my friend Angela told me a story I had not heard. There was a teacher who, after hearing the gun shots, hid all her students in closets. When the shooter entered her room, she told him that her kids were in the gym. She was then gunned down, losing her own life, but saving the lives of her students.

I know these situations make us grateful for what we have, but it always brings up the age-old question of why God allows bad things to happen to good people. I don't have the answer for that question, but I do have the hope of the return of Jesus Christ. Without this hope, I would focus on the tragedy rather than the glory God receives in this situation.

"Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel."  ~ Philippians 1:12

I pray that in this tragedy, God still gets the glory. We do not understand His ways. There are blessings in what He gives and blessings in what He takes away.

"...The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised."          ~Job 1:21

I pray for the families of the Sandy Hook tragedy...that they will be comforted in this time of sorrow...that they will draw closer to God, rather than abandon Him...that they will find their strength and hope in Him who gives and takes away.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for this post. thank you for the attention brought to the victims and heroes, not the monster.

    those babies and the heroes of sandy hook are in a far better place, where they will never experience evil again.

    my prayers are for the families, friends and witnesses. may they find comfort in God that this sad world is not their home. their home is with Him.
